I am really enjoying this journey! I thought it would be hard and annoying but once I got the hang of it (which did not take long) I was amazed at the results!!! My hair has gotten thicker! Amazing how just last month I trimmed to help me focus on my transition and now I am back at the length that I was before I cut my hair, just late last month! This is amazing. I can't stress enough how hairfinity has helped me with this journey, in so many ways! So I am thankful to have found a product that works best for ME! Here are my current results: This is beautiful to me!!! I have not been focusing much on length because I am transitioning so eventually all of my relaxed hair will be chopped off at one point in time. But when I took a lil peek at my hair today and saw the following I was in awe. Its much thicker, and may I add, healthier. Gosh, especially when I reminisce on how bad my hair was when it fell out in late November 2010! It was a very gruesome sight! Lol. I have not a