Hair Update!
Oh My!! It has been over a year since I have posted on my blog--- So much has happened since then... I am still on my Natural hair journey, constantly caring for my hair :) As of August 2014, I achieved what used to be my ultimate goal (Waist length). I am very excited about that- However, I have yet to straighten my hair to allow others to see my true length. That can definitely wait because I am still not heat friendly. As of today I started a 6 months castor oil challenge-I have done these challenges before and got nothing but great results so I am at it once again. My current goals with my hair is to maintain it's health and allow it to grow as long as possible. Now that my hair is much longer wash days are obviously that- a whole day dedicated to my hair alone. Tangles have gotten much more severe since the hair is at a longer length and the detangling time is up by a good 85% compared to when my hair was shorter. I am still very grateful to have achieved my goal